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Get support and inspiration in our private Facebook group!

Have you joined our private Facebook group for parents yet?

Our private Facebook group is a great place to ask questions, share your child’s work and get support from like-minded communities. The classes we offer are all about providing the children with a positive learning community but the Facebook group is all about meeting other LLP parents and finding out what everyone is up to!

Being a home educating parent can be amazing, but it can also be really lonely or daunting! We have recently introduced a Friday SHARE post in the group because we think it is really important that as many people as possible share their highs and lows and support each other. Please do take a moment on a Friday afternoon or over the weekend to share a moment from your home educating week with the group!

You will also find a poll in our Facebook group, under “Featured Posts” where we are collecting information on where our members live. It might be that there is another LLP family just round the corner from you!

We are on a mission to find as many ways of supporting home educating parents as possible and the best way to keep up to date with what is happening for parents at LLP is our Facebook group.

When you ask to join the group, please reply to the questions as we need to know who we are letting in to ensure that our community is LLP members only.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Facebook community and being able to support your journey!

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